Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Up and Running

The electrician came back to the Snow Goose Monday morning and took the alternator to his shop and found it had a bad stater.  He didn't have the right replacement, replaced it with another type.  Bill reinstalled the alternator, but it didn't work.  Electrician came back and took the alternator back to the shop.  Some alterations, an installation and it worked!  Yes, an all day event and costly.  However, a car ride to Publix Market was included in the cost.  Tuesday AM we set out for Palm Bay.  The 65 mile trip was breezy and beautiful.  We had the jib up all day in 15 to 20 knot winds.l  The dolphins played around the Snow Goose for a long time.  What a treat!  We anchored on the lee side of an spoil area.  This morning we were awaken by a crow sitting on our grill crowing at us to bring food.  We finally go the message and discovered he loved corn chips.  He made several trips back and forth and even requested seconds.  Our sail today was in higher winds 20 to 25 and we again made great progress.  However, we were held up almost 1 1/2 hours by a bridge.  Because anchoring would have been rocky at best, we are in a marina a Titusville tonight.  With good sailing, tomorrow we should be in Daytona.  What a life, huh!

1 comment:

  1. You are just in time for summer in the South! Happy sailing in nice warm weather!
