Thursday, April 22, 2010

Trucking on thru Georgia

4-21-10 Wednesday We pushed the glow plug and then the starter button and it worked!!! and so we left St. Augustine and the Bridge of Lions at 8:30 am. The day was glorious - 75 degrees. We passed our first barges - two of them - since we started the ICW North. We dropped anchor just outside Allegator Creek, and a few miles from Georgia. We put in 9 1/2 hours and 55 miles - yes, we fought the tides the whole way. But we used the jib when we could and did the best we could do. Tomorrow shallow water in Georgia. Wish us good luck!

4-22-10   We are in Jekyll Island tonight.  The day was very warm but with no wind.  We motored our way down the ICW.  We are in a social marina tonight.  There is a 34' Sea Sprite next to us and a 30' Cape Dory down the pier.  Also the cutest tug boat in front of us.  Everyone has stories to tell and wants to show off their boat.  We passed cruising friends on My Whim on our way in, and they came by the say hello.  They are leaving their boat and going home to Chicago for the summer. 

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