Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Plymouth to Pepperrell Cove

Whaleback Light says Welcome Home!

We had sat in Plymouth long enough waiting for the wind and rain to calm down so on Sunday morning we headed for Gloucester MA.  We did a lot of pitching as the seas were still rough.  We had a lot of wind too, right on our nose, so the trip was slow and long and not very comfortable.  However we did make lovely Gloucester Harbor and picked up a town mooring. 

We left Gloucester Monday morning for home.  The day was beautiful, calm seas, sunny and we had a little wind to fill our sails the whole way.  We had a nice greeting in the harbor and are excited to be home.  Geoff picked us up at the dock and Greg and the dogs were soon to come home to greet us too, followed by Renee and Holly.  It was our 47th wedding anniversary so we celebrated with our evening dinner out.

Today we emptied out the boat and tomorrow it will get a good cleaning.  We hope to keep Snow Goose in the water for the summer.  The laundry is high and the appointments many, but we are home.

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