Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Moving North

May 2nd, Monday Again we got up early to catch a good tide and were on the waterway by 7:00 a.m. We traveled along the Waccamaw River at break neck speeds with the sails flying. The river is a beautiful wildlife preserve and we saw many, many eagles and birds. We also sailed the ICW through Myrtle Beach. We are anchored with Release in Little Neck, SC. Less than a mile away is the NC/SC border, so South Carolina is behind us. We were in this same anchorage last year with Mike and Youla Cole on Kismet. We cut the corner too wide leaving in the morning and went aground. However, we did manage to kedge off.

May 3rd Tuesday We did the waterway through Cape Fear today and it was a struggle against the tide most of the way. We did have wind, but most of the time in the wrong direction. However, we did manage to put in 51 miles to the anchorage in Wrightsville Beach, NC.

May 4th, Wednesday Ashore at Wrightsville Beach we had pizza with Release and met some of the other cruisers. We did anchor checks all night as the wind blew hard, and so we slept in. After doing some catch up aboard, we went ashore and walked to Harris Teeter for groceries. The weather threatened but it blew over and we didn't get wet. We hope to travel tomorrow with Release, weather permitting. It is supposed to be in the 60's though and that is COLD!

May 5th, Thursday We made our way up the waterway to Swansboro, NC. Tried anchoring off the small fishing village, but the current and wind were against us backing down. We decided to pull into Casper Marina. The shower was worth it. We walked around the pretty, neat as a pin, little village.

May 6th, Friday We enjoyed the marina for awhile Friday morning, and then sailed through Beaufort on to a channel leading into the mouth of the Neuse River. We rafted there with Release. We had some rain in the evening but managed to avoid the predicted thunderstorms. The temperatures have taken a downturn and we are struggling to reach the 70's. We are enjoying our time with Ken, Francie and Skipper. They will leave us after the Dismal Swamp as they plan to leave their boat on the Chesapeake and we plan to visit in Williamsburg.

May 7th, Saturday We worked our way down the Neuse River, passing by Oriental and sailing on to Belhaven. We anchored off the town with Release and Newsboy. We had good holding. All three boats went ashore for a walk around a pretty little town and to get fuel at the very small marina.

May 8th, Sunday - Mother's Day. We left Belhaven at 7 am just as the rain began. It was cold and rainy for most of the morning as we motored in the Pungo River, but the rain stopped around noon. Soup for lunch hit the spot. Then we steamed through the atmosphere of smoke for many, many miles along the Alligator River. Evidently there was a very big woods fire some place along the ICW. The marina we had planned for our stop couldn't be reached (no cell phone coverage) until we were almost there when we found out they couldn't handle our draft. So we steamed on for another three or four miles and dropped anchor where the Alligator River meets Albermerle Sound. We are rafted with Release and Ken is preparing a Mother's Day feast. Tomorrow we plan to cross the Albermerle Sound and pull into Elizabeth City. Next junket of our trip will be the Dismal Swamp.

May 9th Monday We pulled anchor and left the anchorage only to go aground in a dogleg area. We managed to power dig a ditch and were released. We sailed across Albermerle Sound, down the river into Elizabeth City. On our way into the slip the accelerator lever broke off into our hands. Quick, vice grips and we avoided any accident. We were greeted here in Elizabeth City royally with a wine and cheese fest and roses. We will do some laundry, get a few supplies and head into the Dismal Swamp.

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