Monday, February 14, 2011

Seeing Miami

Friday, February 11th

We are beginning to know how to get around Miami. It a short dinghy ride from the boat into a tie up where we can walk into the city. We have found the laundry, clean and fold. We walked to South Beach along the park and stopped for a beer and then on to the famous Joe's Stone Crab for lunch, crab cakes and grilled tomato slices w/spinich and cheese. I am always disappointed in crab cakes. Nobody makes them as good as Greg's.

We took the dinghy down along Miami Beach where they are setting up for a huge boat show next weekend. They actually have a sailing section. We think we might hang out here in Sunset Lake long enough to take that in. By the way, I need to insert here that the dinghy motor has taken a turn for the better and is behaving itself since we gave it a new carburator.

We have been following the "real winter" happening at home, so I will only say that sunny Florida is living up to its name for us. Today is cloudy and rain threatens, but it is 75 and the sun peeks out now and then. Snow Goose could use a good fresh water wash so it is okay.

There are only two other cruisers here anchored with us, Kismet and Casual Class. One of the cruisers aboard the Kismet lived in Portsmouth growing up. She had heard of Snow Goose and had been watching for us. What a small world. We have chatted about the world of Portsmouth back when.

We have discovered the 25 cent bus. We boarded it and rode all around South Beach. We thought we knew our way around by our walks, but we had missed alot. We hopped off and walked Southpointe Park along Government Cut. The cut was very busy with boats coming in for the boat show and boats coming in to get out of the weather predicted for tomorrow. The dog park along that walk proved to be as much fun as ever. We actually are getting to know some of the dogs and they us. Bill has noticed that every pretty girl has at least one dog, usually a little fluffy something.

Saturday, February 12th

It is raining this morning and was a good morning to work out with the bands and then do some clean up activities. In the afternoon we took the 25 cent bus to the other side of South Beach, more residential area, and walked around. The North wind has picked up.

Sunday, February 13th

Bill threw a line over in the morning and caught enough Snapper for dinner tonight. What a surprise! Jim and Laurie from Kismet came over and visited. We took the dinghy to shore and walked around the public markets. We bought some fresh fruit and bread to have with our fish. The North wind is still blowing, keeping the temperatures cooler - upper 60's. We heard from Release in Norman's Pond Cay where they are sitting out a blow and playing watch the anchor.


  1. Wait....who caught a fish?
    The blind squirrel comes to mind!

  2. I have some interesting photos of "My Whim" motoring through a fog bank on the St. Lucie River ca. Dec. 18th; can you put me in touch with them? D. Dunn
