Friday, November 12, 2010


Yes, the Snow Goose is happily in the water again - as is Gosling.  Unfortunately, the mechanic was a no show, so we still haven't powered up the new Yanmar.  Tomorrow.  This is Georgia and nothing moves very fast or smooth. The cleansers and brushes have been found and will be in full force tomorrow.  Also splashed today was a 1948 38' wooden boat, Pequod.  She is sitting in the water in the sling waiting for the hull to swell sufficiently.  Pictures to follow - left my camera aboard!  We talked with Francie, Ken & Skipper aboard the Release who are in Fernandina Beach today heading for Stuart, FL.  The weather here is holding with us - 70's and sunny.  I hope it will hold out through the weekend for the cleaning and provisioning.

B & B

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