Sunday, March 14, 2010

3-7-10 On Monday(I think) we took the dinghy out to Little Major Spot cay and watched the pigs swim. There were four adults on the beach and a bunch of little ones. They will swim out to the dinghy. We fed them carrots. What fun! Tuesday 3-8-10 we motored from Staniel Cay anchorage off Club Thunderball through the cays of Big Major Spot and Little Major Spot and numerous other smaller cays with the most beautiful beaches to Sampson Cay. It was a short distance and we were anchored off Sampson Cay at 11:00 a.m. There is a small marina here. It's a very pretty spot. I Nida Wind II - Cal and Nancy - met us there. Cal's thumb has finally healed to the point where he and Nancy can handle the boat again. They left Georgetown and met us here. It is great to see them again! I used the laundry at the marina and we purchased ice. Still too cool to swim. It rained lightly a couple of times. We are disappointed it isn't warm enough to swim and snokel. We explored a very long beautiful beach on a private cay. It had an air strip that was well maintained and not much else. We did see planes coming in and people met by a launch. You have to wonder what goes on there.

Highheeled, Release and I Nida Wind II along with Snow Goose headed for Fowl Cay on Thursday. A beautiful little anchorage but we decided no protection from the SW winds that were predicted Friday and Saturday. So on Friday we left Fowl and traveled into Pipe Creek, a short distance from Compass Cay, and anchored. Again, what a beautiful area. We explored the beaches with the dinghy and walked the shore looking for conch. Then we went into Compass Cay Marina for water. We were met at the dock by a gentleman from Rockport, Maine. He knew of John's hot dog stand. Small world. Around the marina docks were Nurse Sharks. They hang around to be fed. And of course, feeding the sharks brings other fish - I saw Needle Fish and Snapper. No fishing there however.

3-12-10 Today, Saturday, we woke up to the front coming in the form of a thunderstorm with heavy rain. It's the first real rain we have had in awhile. We hung clothes out to rinse and as soon as it was over took the mop and washed down the boat. Release was out taking baths. I Nida Wind II was catching water (we had just filled our tanks). Bill's morning activity now is engine check and retrieving tools with a magnet that have been dropped in the bilge. I took some pictures of the crew and captains we are traveling with presently the other evening at a dinner gathering on board I Nida Wind II that I am copying on disks for all.

Sunday, 3-13-10 Wow! Time is flying by. The winds calmed down during the morning and after lunch we took the dinghy out looking for conch. We drifted along the shallow shores around the smaller cays. We had no luck but Release and Higheeled found a beach with a lot of them right along the shore. We met at the beach across from the anchored boats and opened, peeled and cracked them. It is a procedure and takes awhile, but in the end we had a dozen or more to make fritters. The evening cooled down. We are almost out of bread and no supplies close by, so I made corn bread on the stove top for dinner and to grill for breakfast.

Monday, 3-14-10 We totally blew off day light savings time this AM and slept through the weather report. We dragged anchor last night, so first drill was to haul anchor and move the boat. We had a little trouble re-hooking, but after what probably looked like a comic routine, we succeeded. Bill has gone fishing with some of that conch scraps. It is a beautiful day. I went out on the pulpit and polished up the chrome. The boat looks great after the big rain washing it had.

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