Sunday, February 14, 2010

Back again

We came back to Emerald Bay Marina as it was going to blow hard yesterday, and it did!!!  We'll wait for the seas to calm down before we head out again.  We met Pat and Fred Manley here who helped prep us for this cruise.  We'll have cocktails aboard Moody tonight.  Laundry and shopping is done again and we took on water this morning.  Waiting now for the pumpout.  Then we are ready to hit the road again.  We can't believe it is the middle of February.  Only about six more weeks of this paradise to go.  Happy Valentine's Day!!!


  1. And a Happy Valentines Day to you.

  2. I love reading these but never get a chance to to comment. We are all following, and are so glad you are happy, but want to make sure you are SAFE, above all. Hope you are continuing to have a wonderful time... and keep up the blogs. They're a wonderful read -

    Much love, Pammie and Mark and the Houston gang
